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  “Meant to tell you nice job back there,” Monroe said, as she slid her salad and smoothie drink onto the table. No way could she have the strength, speed, and agility she did on liquids and rabbit foods.

  As if she were reading my thoughts she laughed and lifted her glass. “Protein powder,” she said, making me reluctantly like her even more. Anyone who could spoof herself was okay in my book.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled around a bite of rare roast beef. “You, too. Think you threw Stone for a loop.”

  “I’d say I wasn’t the only one,” she shot back, looking me in the eye.

  Smart and a fighter. If it wasn’t every recruit for herself to stay with the agency at this point I could find myself rooting for Vaughn Monroe.

  “He, or you, find out who was behind your you know what?” she asked, trying not to spill too much with Kelly sitting right there.

  Since none of us really knew what the others could do, the less said publicly the better. We all understood who was being called on to join this agency, but it also made sense that we didn’t broadcast our abilities until we had to. That way anyone who dropped out early days in the training wouldn’t be a threat to the others still on site. They might sell the intel that there was such a group being assembled, but it was going to be a harder sell without being able to say there were witches and fae and pixies training.

  I shook my head. “No. Neither Stone or I got a bead on the person or persons responsible,” I said.

  “Responsible for what?” Kelly perked up. Good news was it appeared my actions in the gym didn’t scream magic using. But someone knew who or what I was. Then Kelly added, “Unless it’s none of my beeswax.”

  “You didn’t really say beeswax.” I smiled to make sure she knew there was no sting to my words. In fact I was trying to shift her away from the topic of someone intentionally trying to sabotage another recruit’s chances at staying with the Agency.

  She gave a half-shrug and picked at her pasta salad. “I hope they do something other than more fighting this afternoon,” she said, dividing the multi-colored noodles on her plate into color-coordinated piles. “Many more blocking body blows and Stone wins.”

  “He’s intentionally pushing us hard today,” I said.

  Kelly’s brows rose as if I’d accused him of indecent exposure. “Because?”

  “Survival of the fittest,” came Monroe’s whip-fast retort. Yup, no molasses on this one. She glanced at me before adding. “Some of us might have unfair advantage in some areas, physical endurance and fighting abilities being one.”

  Not to mention any of our other abilities. My gaze caught hers. but she gave nothing away. Not even an acknowledgement if she was human or not.

  “So what do you think he’s going to have us work on later?” Kelly asked, frowning. “Weapons?”

  “Good guess.” I agreed, wondering if she were going to eat her noodles or maul them to death. Each of us dealt with the stress in different ways. “But I’m thinking he might go in another direction.”

  Before Kelly could ask what I meant, Monroe jumped in, “Cognitive abilities?”

  I nodded, adding, “Or maybe leadership skills.”

  The whistle to signal the end of lunch blew before we could speculate more, which was probably a good thing. It was easy to psych ourselves out thinking of worst-case scenarios, especially with Stone being in charge. But obviously I hadn’t thought devious enough as those of us that remained as potential agents huddled together in the gym, waiting for our next assignments.

  Stone put an end to our misery by stepping forward and announcing, “Team building.”

  I wasn’t the only one that groaned. Beside me Amazon woman scuffed her shoe against the floor and shook her head. Kelly just opened her eyes wider as Monroe scanned the group, having the least chance to get to know anyone, thus facing the biggest challenge to assess who could be a team asset and who a team drag.

  “Noziak, you’re Team Leader One. Mandy Reyes.” He nodded toward the Chiquita with the attitude from last night. “You’re Team Leader Two and Princess,” he shot a hooded glance toward Monroe. “You’re Team Leader Three.”

  So maybe I was wrong. Seemed Stone was gunning for Monroe. Those weren’t hubba-hubba sparks flashing between them earlier but get the hell out of my way fireworks. But by the look on Monroe’s face she wasn’t about to give an inch. After sparring with her earlier I’d say Stone had an uphill battle if he thought she was going to walk away quickly.

  In the meantime Stone had turned his attention to me. All business and no fun he gave me a get on with it chin nod. “Pick your first team member, Noziak.”

  If he thought he was going to stump me he was wrong.

  “Kelly McAllister,” I said, earning a big grin from Kelly and frown lines from Stone. Reyes chose Amazon woman, who was named Jaylene Smart, while Monroe selected a woman who looked like an Iowa farm girl, moon-faced and innocuous looking. I think her name was Brenda, but I’d barely noticed her up till now. She looked like she could hold her own in a fight though.

  We each continued to pick recruits until there were three teams of eight people each. Then we glanced back at Stone, only Monroe arching her brow at him in a silent bring-it-on taunt.

  The quick twist to Stone’s lips told me he noted her dare and would have no problem meeting it.

  I didn’t groan but wanted to.

  Within minutes we were outside. The fresh air helped me snap to attention, but unless we kept moving we were going to chill quickly. This wasn’t Idaho snow weather but it was damp and cool.

  “First game is the human knot,” Stone announced, earning some frowns from a few people. I had no idea what he was talking about. Living on a farm we didn’t need to practice team building. Either we worked together or we didn’t, and if we didn’t our dad would take us to the woodshed and give us a few facts of life. Not something you wanted to happen more than once. So no fancy weekend corporate retreats for me.

  Stone began to bark orders. “Each team form a circle. Shoulder to shoulder.”

  Once we did he continued, “Each team member reach directly across your circle with your left hand to take the hand of the person standing across the circle.”

  That was a little harder for one of our team members, who was either dyslexic or didn’t like holding hands with another woman. I gave her a get real look and she snapped to, with a frown that I noted and put away for later. Just because a person had issues didn’t mean they couldn’t play well in the sandbox. But I figured this whole exercise was to bring some of those issues to the fore, to be dealt with by Stone or the eventual team leaders.

  Not the role I wanted. My plan was to get into this agency, keep my head low, and get out after twelve months still alive. Simple plans were often the best kind. No losing sight of the ultimate objective. Freedom. You couldn’t gain freedom if you risked your neck to prove you were better, bigger, or worth more attention. Or if you were dead.

  Since Chiquita’s group took a little longer than the rest of us to get the first phase completed Stone’s tone was brusquer as he snapped out the next directions. “Now, each player does the same movement with his right hand, grasping the hand of the same player across the circle.”

  The action sounded easier than it was. The circles were small, tight, and weaving eight hands in and out between the already joined hands made most of us twist and bend to make sure everyone had the opposite person’s right and left hand held tight.

  Stone’s smile warned me the next part wasn’t going to be easy.

  “Now untie yourselves. Without releasing any hands,” he said, stepping back and folding his arms. “Take all the time you need. You have fifteen minutes.”


  First thing that happened was the sound volume increased as twenty-four women started talking at once.

  “Quiet,” I snapped, knowing eight people pulling in separate directions added to eight people voicing opinions was not going to get us anywhere in fifteen mi
nutes. “If you have a solution, one at a time I want to hear it.” I earned a few frowns, which I let bounce off me. “Kelly, you start.”

  It was clear she didn’t like to be put on the spot, or have attention brought on her as she paled and shook her head. “Sorry. I don’t have any solution.”

  “Anyone else?” I asked.

  Dyslexic lady spoke up. “I have an idea.” She started to pull her right hand away, but thankfully Kelly was the one across from her and held on tight.

  “Can’t let go,” Kelly said, her eyes narrowing.

  “She’s right.” I made sure my gaze touched on everyone until I returned to Dyslexic. “Any ideas that start with our hands remaining clasped just as they are?”

  “That’s impossible,” Dyslexic huffed. “And not fair.”

  “My dad always said nothing’s fair. The sooner we learn that the easier to get beyond it.” I glanced around the circle, slower this time, making sure we were all on the same page, like it or not. The tall black woman I remembered from earlier in the day was chewing on her lower lip, but her focus was one hundred percent on the hands. I liked that. Keep the attention on the solution to the problem and not on the problem.

  “Sorry I didn’t get your name?” I said to her, catching her gaze.

  “Serena.” She seemed momentarily startled, but it was more the knee-jerk reaction you have when you’re deep in thought about something else.

  “Any thoughts about untwisting this human knot?” I asked.

  “Can’t be done.” Dyslexia inserted, working too hard to be proved right, rather than putting the energy into solving the problem.

  “Go ahead.” I kept my gaze on Serena’s, feeling the tick of time whispering past. “Something’s better than nothing.”

  She grinned, an expression that changed her face from average to engaged. “Okay, let’s try it.”

  She proceeded to start directing individuals within the group. Sometimes the move worked, sometimes it didn’t, but every time she stopped I egged her on. A few others contributed when they could see an option from where they were standing that Serena might not see. Even Kelly offered a suggestion, and when it worked, she beamed a halleluiah smile. This stupid game would be worth it just because of that.

  Only Dyslexia kept grumbling till I wanted to default on the game simply to get a hand free and smack her.

  Stone must have been channeling my thoughts as he stepped near me, then leaned in and asked, “How’s it goin’, Noziak?”

  “Just peachy,” I shot back.

  He actually grinned.

  I was thankful the woman across from me didn’t release my right hand as I instinctually tugged. For that I’d owe her.

  Stone strolled away still chuckling as he announced, “Three minutes left.”


  The tendency with the time announcement was for people to start to panic.

  “Slow down, we’re almost there.” I looked Dyslexic straight in the eye until she stopped her agitation. Then I glanced at Serena. “You’re doing a great job. Baby steps and we’re there.”

  I was right, we were only about two twined hands away when Vaughn Monroe’s group gave a high whoop whoop and raised their hands above their heads to show they were once again an untangled mess.

  I smiled for them and turned back to my group. “Let’s finish this.”

  But it was too late. Dyslexia had already pulled her hand away, crossing her arms and grumbling, “I told you it wasn’t fair.”

  Kelly moved between me and my target as I took a step forward. Her clear schoolteacher voice rose. “Let’s give Team Two a cheer.”

  I managed a smile and nod. So we did a high-five hand pump with a chorus of way-to-go. Chiquita’s team had kept their hands together, but were still a tangled mess when Stone called time a moment later.

  “Team Princess wins,” he announced, with an expression that looked like he was sucking lemons. Team Reyes in second.” That earned a cat-eating grin from Chiquita who nodded in my direction. “Team Noziak is disqualified for releasing hands before the exercise ended.”

  “Sorry, guys,” I said to my crestfallen group, trying to keep eight gazes from pinpointing exactly who in our group had flubbed up. As far as I was concerned a strong team celebrated the good times, but didn’t point fingers in the bad patches.

  “I want a new team,” Dyslexia announced, loud enough that even Stone could hear her. “I think we should be able to pick our own teams rather then get stuck with being chosen by the leaders.” She added just enough emphasis on the last word make it clear that she wasn’t thinking too highly of her current team leader. Moi.

  This time it was Stone with a hand to my shoulder, even though I could have sworn I hadn’t moved. He turned to address Chiquita. “Not a bad idea. Any dissent from the leaders?”

  Chiquita shot me a quick closed look then shook her head. Monroe said, “Not a problem.”

  I was the last voice. I didn’t trust myself to look at Dyslexia, or Stone for that matter. Why was he giving the message that if things became tough you got to bail? At least that’s the message I was hearing loud and clear. But if Dyslexia wanted out I wasn’t going to stand in her way.

  I stepped back with a shrug, giving Dyslexia room to brush past me to join Monroe’s team. I didn’t even snarl as she patted her new teammates on the shoulder as if she’d found her right niche at last.

  Only problem was one of Monroe’s team had to now move out of the winning clique if the three teams were to be even.

  It was like being in one of those nightmares where you keep thinking you’re on stage with no clothes. That sinking chest feeling as I waited for someone from the winning team to choose to be on the losing team.

  I kept my chin high, a smile plastered on my face and my gaze straight ahead, thus able to ignore most but not all of the averted gazes, small whispers, and shifting body language as the women from Monroe’s team had to break up after they’d just bonded.

  Maybe this is what Stone had wanted all along. Not to see who could work together but who could be flexible and take one for the team. Not an easy thing to do, especially for women. We loved our comfort circle of friends, even if twenty minutes ago we hadn’t identified ourselves as a cohesive group. Once we did though, watch out.

  It was Vaughn who broke the impasse, earning a brow raise from Stone. “Rena,” Vaughn signaled out a woman near her, “You’re a strong teammate. Why don’t you change places and learn from Alex.”

  Smooth move. She patted Rena on the back with public acknowledgement, gave her a proactive reason for leaving, a positive stroke for me, and kudos for doing the right thing. Damn, pampered Princess had some wicked leadership skills. Forget Dyslexia changing groups; I wanted to learn from Vaughn.

  With a true smile that made it easier for Rena to release the hands of her teammates and enter the Noziak circle, I made sure I caught Vaughn Monroe’s gaze and gave her a nod.

  That’s all the time I had as Stone barked out the next team building assignment.

  Thank the Great Spirits it didn’t include more hand holding. But it did give me an idea, one I mumbled to Vaughn at the end of the day when we trooped, cold and tired, back inside at last.

  “The day we’re given the option to create our own team bonding games I’ve got me a good one,” I said, as Vaughn drew next to me.


  “We’ll see which team can take down M.T. Stone the fastest.”

  Her snort earned a sharp look and frown from Stone as we passed him. But that didn’t stop Vaughn from grinning in my direction and adding, “I’m in. I’m so in.”

  Oh, yeah, I’d follow this one to fight non-humans.

  Lead the way.


  The next three days were more of the same. Martial arts, the beginning of weaponry training and lots of team building with the leaders changing out, but more often than not we ended up with Vaughn, myself, or Chiquita leading a squad.

was trying his damnedest to cull recruits until we were down to two teams of seven each. I wasn’t always sure why someone was cut or quit but was surprised to notice that Dyslexia hung in there, regardless of her continuing grumbles. But then maybe she only groused around her fellow recruits and played suck up when she got to Stone.

  The good news for me was there hadn’t been any more magic attacks directed against me. I still smelled a whiff of magic now and then but not enough to pinpoint who was using.

  It was the afternoon of the third day that things changed up. Instead of shuffling outside for our team building exercises, Stone had us rally in the gym, slightly warmer than outside but not by much. He was the one who divided us into two groups of seven each. Vaughn led one and I was in her group this time. Kelly was in the group, too. Downside? So was Dyslexia.

  Reyes headed the second team with Jaylene Smart the Amazon woman, Serena, Brenda, and another three women. I hoped we weren’t going head-to-head in any physical competition because, except for Dyslexia, the Reyes team had all the muscle. In a bar fight I’d bet on them. On the other hand we had the smarts, which mattered in some battles.

  I stared at Stone, waiting to see what he had up his sadistic sleeve.

  “New session today,” he said, his tone very even and serious. It gave me goose bumps.

  He continued, “Since we’re still in training, anyone who doesn’t want to take part in this exercise can opt out.” He nodded toward the door. “Exit is that way.”

  Sounded very generous until he added, “But if you leave, you’re out of the program.”

  No gray area with this guy. I glanced at the two huddles of recruits, noticing the wary glances ping ponging back and forth. Something was up. Something most, if not all of us, weren’t going to like.

  Get on with it, I wanted to prod him along. Not that I wasn’t worried; I was. But waiting for a threat always seemed worse to me than facing one, patience not being one of my strong suits.

  “What’s he going to do?” Kelly whispered next to me. I noticed she was dissipating tension by stepping back and forth and flexing her hands.